Thursday, May 30, 2019

And so it Begins

*Larry King Live Theme*

Larry: Good morning ladies and gentlemen! I am Larry King and today I will be interviewing a new member to the animation community, Gaddiel Rutabana!

Gaddiel: It's really great to be here Larry, but I have a project I have to work on today so you might want to get through these questions quickly.

Larry: Haha! Already diving headfirst into animation I see. Ok first off, who are you and what do you do?

Gaddiel: Well I'm originally from Rwanda, I'm 18 years old and I'm attending the University of Tampa to further my knowledge on the world of physics, as well as enjoy the very exciting social aspect of college. So really I'm just your regular college student.

Larry: Interesting, very interesting. So what drove you to take an animation class this summer?

Gaddiel: You see Larry I've always had a passion to pursue a large variety of areas in terms of knowledge, and animation is one of the areas that caught my attention. In fact, I delved into the world of animation during high school when I made my own little video game in a computer science class.

Larry: Wow! If you did that much what do you expect to learn from the course?

Gaddiel: Although I made it seem that I learned a lot about animation, I really only grazed the tip of the iceberg. Animation is a vast realm in which people exploit the way humans view images to create works of art. What I expect to learn from the course is how to achieve this at a pretty beginner level in hopes that it will aid me in some aspect of my life one day. But if it doesn't, at least I'll be able to sound like I know a whole lot about animation when speaking to friends and family.

Larry: Haha! Ok, folks let's let this man get back to work. It's been a pleasure interviewing you Gaddiel.

Gaddiel: Likewise, Mr. King

Larry: Goodnight folks, and stay tuned for more interviews next week on CNN.

Image result for larry king saying goodbye